Comment and Analysis

Evidence-based commentary commissioned by the Campaign for Social Science from leading social scientists, policymakers and practitioners.

What Others Are Doing

  • COVID-19 Response

    Bath University - Institute for Policy Research View
  • COVID research - a social sciences perspective

    Birmingham University View
  • Latest coronavirus news

    Bristol University View
  • COVID topics research

    Cambridge University View
  • Supporting the fight against COVID-19

    City University London View
  • Latest research

    Durham University View
  • COVID-19 response

    Edinburgh University View
  • Essex examines COVID-19 to fight the pandemic

    Essex University View
  • Pandemipolitics-polemics on pandemics

    Exeter University View
  • COVID-19 project

    Glasgow University - Policy Scotland View
  • Researchers' response to COVID-19

    Glasgow Caledonian University View
  • Response to COVID-19

    Imperial College London View
  • Responding to COVID-19 - the social dynamics

    Institute for Development Studies View
  • COVID-19 research from ISER

    Institute for Social and Economic Research - Essex University View
  • Coronavirus analysis series

    Kings College University of London - Policy Institute View
  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) research and response

    Liverpool University View
  • COVID-19 resource centre

    London School of Economics (LSE) View
  • Coronavirus response hub

    Manchester University View
  • Research to help fight COVID-19

    Newcastle University View
  • Coronavirus crisis response

    Nottingham University View
  • Social sciences on COVID-19

    Oxford University View
  • COVID-19 analysis and commentary

    Queen's Belfast University View
  • Global Politics Unbound - COVID-19 blogs

    Queen Mary University of London View
  • SOAS expertise and analysis on COVID-19

    School of Oriental and African Studies View
  • Disability and COVID-19: the global impacts

    Sheffield University View
  • Public Policy Blog - COVID-19

    Stirling University View
  • Combating COVID-19

    Southampton University View
  • The pandemic and sustainability

    Sussex University View
  • Research surrounding COVID-19

    Swansea University View
  • Expert comment and advice from UCL academics

    University College London View
  • COVID-19 Research Hub

    UCL Institute of Education View
  • Knowledge Centre

    Warwick University View
  • Coronavirus response

    York University View
  • Coronavirus

    Centre for Cities View
  • Coronavirus response

    Chatham House (Royal Institute for International Affairs) View
  • COVID-19 Longitudinal Research Hub

    CLOSER View
  • Rapid response call for novel coronavirus research

    ESRC View
  • COVID-19: Resources and research on epidemics and pandemics

    ESRC STEPS Centre View
  • Coronavirus hub

    Institute for Fiscal Studies View
  • The impact of COVID-19 on sustainable development

    International Institute for Environment and Development View
  • Questions and answers about the coronavirus and the UK economy

    Economics Observatory (NIESR) View
  • Working to understand and address the social implications of COVID-19

    Nuffield Foundation View
  • Coronavirus hub

    Resolution Foundation View
  • Coronavirus, housing and home

    UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence View
  • Urban impacts of COVID-19

    Urban Big Data Centre View
  • COVID-19 resources

    Education Endowment Foundation View
  • COVID-19 hub

    College of Policing What Works Centre for Crime Reduction View
  • COVID-19 resources

    Early Intervention Foundation View
  • Economic recovery from COVID-19

    What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth View
  • Ageing Better's response to the COVID-19 pandemic

    Centre for Ageing Better View
  • COVID-19, wellbeing and inequalities - crowdsourcing evidence

    What Works Centre for Wellbeing View
  • COVID-19 response

    Centre for Homelessness Impact View
  • COVID-19 resources

    What Works for Children’s Social Care View
  • COVID-19 Social Science Research Tracker

    J. Nathan Matias (Cornell) and Alan Leavitt (Facebook Research) View
  • Latest indicators for the UK economy and society

    Office for National Statistics View
  • Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker

    Blavatnik School of Government - Oxford University View
  • Oxford Supertracker

    Department of Social Policy and Intervention, Oxford University View
  • COVID-19 data that gives context to the pandemic

    UK Data Service View