Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Data on EDI

Some EDI data are regularly collected and reported, such as ethnicity of UK university staff and students. Good EDI data can be more difficult to collect and access in some other settings. Data for 2021/22 (HESA).

  • 58%

    of social science students at UK universities were female.


  • 25%

    of UK social science students of a known ethnicity at university were from ethnic minority groups, including 8% Black and 12% Asian.

  • 14%

    of social science students at UK universities declared a disability.

  • 28%

    of social science students at UK universities were non-UK domiciled.

  • 11%

    of social science academic staff (FTE) were from ethnic minority groups, inc. 3% Black and 6% Asian; and 51% were female.

  • 33%

    of social science academic staff (FTE) had a non-UK nationality.

The EDI Project

A joint project on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) between AcSS, its member Social Science Societies and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) to support sharing good practice and intervening to effect positive change.

Current Projects and Initiatives

  • UKRI ESRC Action Plan 2023-2025

    Economic and Social Research Council View
  • AcSS ESRC EDI Partnership

    Academy of Social Sciences and Economic and Social Research Council View
  • Equality, diversity and inclusion in research and innovation: UK review

    Advance HE for UK Research and Innovation View
  • Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Respect in Business and Management Higher Education Institutions

    British Academy of Management View
  • Race and Ethnicity in British Sociology

    British Sociological Association View
  • Career trajectories in UK departments of politics and international relations

    Political Studies Association & British International Studies Association View
  • Discover Economics

    Royal Economic Society View
  • Geography of geography - The evidence base

    Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) View
  • Diversity and Inclusion in Research

    Social Research Association View
  • I didn't have any teachers that looked like me

    Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) View
  • Education: The State of the Discipline. Staff equality in UK higher education

    British Educational Research Association View

EDI in Social Science Study and Research

There are many published articles on aspects of EDI in social science research. Read some of the relevant comment pieces written for our Campaign for Social Science COVID-19 hub.

Torsten describes some of the economic impacts of the pandemic and the challenges we will face as a result. He explores the impact on shopping, household incomes and work and shows how the pandemic has accelerated the increasing gap between rich and poor in the UK.

When schools were mostly closed in March 2020 to stop the spread of COVID-19, Becky asked two questions: How would this affect the attainment gap separating disadvantaged children from their better-off classmates; and what could be done to support pupils from poorer homes?

Peter and Robin write about their project to explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on asylum-seeking and refugee communities in the UK. This project worked  with organisations that provide services for refugees and asylum seekers in Glasgow and Newcastle.